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Delphine Gallant MD | szakcikk |
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1 találat 1 oldalon - ebből zárolt tartalom 1 db
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Ghosts under a child’s bed: Child sexual abuse from a gynaecologist’s point of view

Szerző: Delphine Gallant MD1 Mireille Merckx MD Phd2
1University Hospital UZ Ghent
2University Hospital UZ Ghent

Child sexual abuse can be a devastating experience, which can strongly influence the future of the affected child. It is extremely important to properly understand approach and treat children after such a trauma. In order to do so, a physician needs to keep the following in mind; the child’s safety, the need for a clinical and mental examination, the child’s mental health, reporting the incident(s) to the authorities and forensic evidence. ...

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1 találat 1 oldalon - ebből zárolt tartalom 1 db
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