Magyar Nőorvosok Lapja

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László Andrási MD | szakcikk |
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1 találat 1 oldalon - ebből zárolt tartalom 1 db
A zárolt tartalmakat csak bejelentkezett felhasználók tekinthetik meg!

Successfully treated case of a patient with giant benign ovarian tumor and suicide attempt / Öngyilkossági kísérlettel szövődött óriási méretű jóindulatú petefészek-daganat sikeresen gyógyított esete

Szerző: Tibor Novák MD1 László Andrási MD2 Zsolt Szabó MD3 Gábor Németh MD4
1University of Szeged Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (director: Gábor Németh MD, Med. Habil.)
2University of Szeged Department of Surgery (director: György Lázár MD)
3University of Szeged Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy (director: Zsolt Molnár MD)
4University of Szeged Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (director: Gábor Németh MD, Med. Habil.)

The case of a patient with giant ovarian tumor was presented, who was referred to have planned laparotomy because of an enormous intraabdominal mass found during gynecological examination, a few days before her admission to the emergency care unit. The particularity of this case was the patient’s attempted suicide using a high dose of an antihypertensive drug. At the moment of the admission, this important information was obtained from the ...

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1 találat 1 oldalon - ebből zárolt tartalom 1 db
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