Magyar Nőorvosok Lapja
Keresés eredménye
Myomectomy during scheduled Cesarean section
Background: In the past, myomectomy performed during cesarean section has been a rejection by many clinicians because of the high risk of intraoperative hemorrhage and consequent hysterectomy in many situations for bleeding management (2). In recent years, and due to several articles published in specialized publications, myomectomy during cesarean section has become an increasingly safe procedure (6); is more often performed due to advances ...
Shoulder Dystocia
Shoulder dystocia is one of the most dramatic events in obstetrics and represents the blockage of the shoulders after the expulsion of the fetal skull.
This rare but even more dramatic phenomenon, especially when not foreseen, will deeply mark the obstetrician for the rest of his life. For this reason, the professional training of the obstetricians must include a proper preparation for this emergency situation. It is hard to imagine for those ...
The Forceps – From Oblivion to Necessity
Across the centuries, obstetricians have looked for methods and instruments to extract the fetus from the pelvic genital tract when natural birth was impossible. A wide variety of forceps have been created, which are mostly used today, such as the Tarnier forceps, the Naegele forceps, the Kjelland forceps, and the Simpson forceps. The forceps is used in all the clinics of the world as a saving instrument when the fetus’ life or the mother’s ...