Magyar Nőorvosok Lapja
Keresés eredménye
Successful delivery with the longest delay-interval (149 days) after the miscarriage of one fetus in a diamniotic-dichorionic twin pregnancy
Objective: This paper aims to present the unusual method we applied to save the remaining fetus after the spontaneous abortion of one of the fetuses in a twin pregnancy. To our knowledge, until today, this has been the longest delay interval which could be achieved after the spontaneous abortion of one of the fetuses in a multiple gestation.
Methods: A case report of a patient, involving medical care provided in two university clinical ...
Successfully treated case of a patient with giant benign ovarian tumor and suicide attempt / Öngyilkossági kísérlettel szövődött óriási méretű jóindulatú petefészek-daganat sikeresen gyógyított esete
The case of a patient with giant ovarian tumor was presented, who was referred to have planned laparotomy because of an enormous intraabdominal mass found during gynecological examination, a few days before her admission to the emergency care unit. The particularity of this case was the patient’s attempted suicide using a high dose of an antihypertensive drug. At the moment of the admission, this important information was obtained from the ...
Pregnancy complicated with maternal intracerebral haemorrhage due to an arteriovenous malformation – Obstetrical point of view
A case of an intracerebral haemorrhage in the 30th gestational week is presented, where an osteoplastic craniotomy was performed under general aneasthesia. The neurosurgical procedure was carried out by “neuronavigation” for minimizing the size of craniotomy. A team of obstetricians and neonatologists was present during the operation, but because of the normal vital signs of the monitored fetus, they did not have to perform an emergency...